Under the dome (Joe Roleplay starter edition)

"Why?" A female looked around at the own as she walked in front of a café where she was told to come to but it was empty. She found the door to be open so she went into the dark building. She looked around and began feeling around till her hands land on something. 
"Pooh wow wah, I know this hard...smart....body any day" The male didn't speak but only pulled her to a table and sat. He claps and the lights come on. Across the table sat the girls (Lover/Crush/Boyfriend). She found him very handsome and only stares. 

"So the idea...about this was well a date, We know each other for a while now ever since the dome came down, And went back up. we even graduate college...or we are about to... in a year or so.  But I wanna make the smart move now.  Ever since me and Norrie.. You know I though I should move on and forgive her. "

The female blushed and looked at him as she listened to his words.  She thought about what he could mean. It been a long time since they knew each other. And hearing of his and Norrie break up is what brought the.  Together in the first place. She waited for him to continue. 


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