Stockholm syndrome

(First person of my character)

I dont remember when was the last time I saw the outside world. He had me here for days know, This make day 340, I lived with the man for who knows how long, He had me do puzzles and try to get smart. Ill been getting sick lately. He wont call a doctor and he wont even let TAU run a scan on me. We don't talk much, I just eat at the same table as him and read books. 

(Third person)
It was day 341 and he had come back from a contract meeting, He was still him, he never laughed or smiled. He stared at me.
She began to walk backwards as he walked forward towards her. She stopped once she bumped into the wall, She began to cough and covered her mouth. 
"Is something wrong? I did all the test today....please dont hurt me..." She closed her eyes as his fingers run down his cheek.Since day 1 a few rules were set, Rule one: Bedroom is off limits, Rule two: Try to escape and Aries will blow me to pieces. Aries was a robot who hid as a pillar in the main room. He was controlled by an AI that controlled the whole house called TAU. It got silent as no one spoke a word.


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