Descendants Series: Harry Hooks

This roleplay is based on the character Harry Hooks and he is the soon captain Hooks. I included a picture just so you know who the person is and what he looks like. The starter is very long only so we can get into the mood of the roleplay. But warnings are well simple this may include 18+, Magic use from my character. The roleplay would also include arguments between the two lovers. Maybe a little roughness around the patch.


"What's my name?" Uma stares at the female pirate who sat with her feet hanging over the pier.

"Uma, The great Uma, And how can I ever forget the first mate, Harry Hooks?" The female rubs her hands through her own hair while she sat hearing the light chuckles. "I am here to enjoy the sea. So please let me be. I don't have time for any of your silly ideas. I am not, and I repeat, I am not going to be anyone's pretty pink princess. And I know a certain someone...who I wish not to be around." With that said, Uma looked at Harry and sighed 

"If your speaking of the relationship you had with Harry, You should know, There are many other males at Auradon, Who are way better then well..harry." She chuckled. The female looked unamused and gets up. 

"I stopped using magic and well. I don't think I'm good enough to be good..." She chuckled "But if I get something from it...maybe I could...join, for a few days. " Uma chuckled 

"All the pirate kids..were asking for you, Once you get to Auradon, Harry will show you around." Uma walked away and the female looked upset.

The female went to the home that sat on the isle and began to gather herself she would bring.  She then walked to the gates where she was met with a car to bring her to the school. She gets in not seeking help from anybody and folds her arms as she sat across from Harry and Uma who both laughed at her very seen ignorance. Once they received to the island she got out.


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