"Dr...Strange, what are you like a wizard?" A female jokes after hearing the name of the male who landed in front of her.
"Yes, And I presume your....an outsider really out? space maybe? hmm powers I might guess maybe one....two...three, For example you can make people see you differently then how you truly look, Hmm your a thief stole from a bank to get to where you are today, You would think you would buy a mansion or something so? What are you doing with the money?"
"I dont know what you are talking about, I'm just a regular new Yorker" She begins to open a book and then close it slamming it on the table "I read these books over and over and again..." She turned to the male looked him up and down "O I need a new book"
Dr.Strange looked at him "So. You are not human. You are a thief. Not from here only but up there. Who are you. Why are aliens looking for you."
The women looked at him and walkes closed "I have no Idea what you are talking about..so please. Make sense..."
He looked at her "Nima rolena smith...A worker alien..so you escaped.....why?"
She looked at him "Because i deserve to love aswell!"
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